SPORTident Timing299 Co Ltd.

Trailhead Enduro Practice and Night Stage

Khao Yai Tieng 11.03.2023

Trailhead Enduro Practice and Night Stage

Khao Yai Tieng 11.03.2023


成绩 Trailhead Enduro Practice and Night Stage

Nicolas Casagrande
编号: 202  

线路: 1 Stage Night

参赛类别: Master A

总时间: 4:59.33 

线路中排名/总成绩: 5 (of 123)
线路最佳成绩: 4:42.18
差值: 0:17.15

类别中排名: 1 (of 13)
该项目最佳时间: 4:59.33
差值: -